An autumn of exceptional high tide in Venice

Since we started our activity back in 1998, this autumn it's being the toughest we ever experienced before, due to the exceptional high tide of the last 6 days. Days without the conditions to work, days with the doors closed of our store, days of anxiety, days of physical hard work trying to keep safe as much as possible the things we earned during these last 20 years, days without comfort, days of reflection about the critical situation and the hopeless future. 

But tough moments make us stronger, make us think once again about our priorities at work, at home, at the community we belong, at our country and at our world. 

Many lessons learnt, and we are eager to keep pushing our activity because we believe in our capacity of adaptation, and we specially believe in you, in the people that surround us, making each day a difference that counts for a brighter future to come, for all of us.  

Venetian glass pendant

1 comment

  • Very well said. We have you all in our thoughts as we follow the news. I hope for prompt restoration of normal activities. Stay safe!

    Pamela Alcantara

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